Paper work, text work, sculpture, installation, 2014.
Paper, cardboard boxes, wood, mirrors, and books from an obsolete patients’ library in a tuberculosis sanatorium. 

This solo exhibition was presented in gallery Kunstschlager. The core of the exhibition were paper works, in which various sheets in different shades of colours have been cut and reorganized to make new patterns. In the middle of the room stood three cardboard boxes on wooden legs, with the words: Nothing eludes time carved out. The sentence is only visible when the boxes are read together. At the bottom of each box was a mirror, so the viewer will see himself looking inside the box. On the walls, selected books from a patients’ library in a tuberculosis sanatorium, had been installed. The library was defunct, and the books had been in storage facilities for decades.

In the exhibition, a text containing meditations on ‘isolation’, and different sceneries related to it, as well as remarks on history and obsoleteness, was a part of the exhibition as a textual work. The text suggested the overall framework and the connections between the items on the exhibition, which all bear relations to the inevitable isolation of being, whether through time or artistic experimentation.