
Gallerí Vest 2017

Moment was displayed as part of a collective exhibition of the same title at Gallery Vest in 2017. The text, “All comes in to being for this moment,” is cut out of paper and like in other works, it is raised up. A text followed the work and the exhibition that speculated on the nature and meaninglessness of the ever-passing moment. Said moment is this ever creative now, one of the most important manifestations of time, providing the premise for creativity and the incentive for change.

- Can you tell me something about a moment?


- Yes, of course.


Or wait, no.


Yes, it passes.

Actually I don’t know much about moments. They come and go, just like the minutes at lunchtime. You don’t notice them until they are gone. They are like a movie that you remember nothing from. Some text fragments floating around, flickering sentences you barely remember.


Found poem about a moment

I'll tell you a secret. 

Something they don't teach you in your temple. 

The Gods envy us. 

They envy us because we’re mortal, 

because any moment might be our last. 

Everything is more beautiful because we're doomed. 

You will never be lovelier than you are now. 

We will never be here again.

Achilles (Brad Pitt), TROY, 2004. Script: David Benioff.

We don’t need any bars, only ourselves. We are the cages, the days that pass in the glances of each other. Dawned, dreamlike. Here and now.


Visual art is unique. Visual art is special, just like the moment. The moment is unique, passing – like visual art.

The moment is also the everyday. The meaningless everyday Just something mundane. Boredom. The everyday is essentially boredom. The moment is boredom.


I once read a story about a set theorist from Columbia, Juan de Gaúlla, who participated in a conference in Oslo, and was introduced to a new meaning of the words “unique” and “special.” After a decade of correspondence with the Finnish philosopher Littonnen, about the exact semantic form of the words, he never reached a definitive conclusion.


Everything leads to this moment. Everything happens for this moment.

Which then passes.


All those coincidences which lead you to who you are now.

Everything that needed to exist for you to become, these pure

chances which become what remains after

you become.


All of this is so dull. Milk and bread. Just a day at a time, milk and bread.

We experience different times. And the suffering is not here. It is in China.

It is manufactured in China.


Not like suffering, just something meaningless we break through.